Calibre User Terms & Conditions

You have been authorised to use this Calibre Application.

As a condition of use you, agree to use this Calibre Application for the following permitted purposes only

1. To calculate Reach, Frequency and Total Contacts for one or more Out of Home sites;

2. To target and plan Out of Home Advertising campaigns;

3. To profile the audience of an Out of Home Advertising campaign.

You may not use the Calibre application or any of the Reach & Frequency Insights and Age & Gender Insights from LANDMARKS ID within the Calibre application for any other purpose than those set out above.

If you require to use the Calibre application or any of the Reach & Frequency Insights and Age & Gender Insights for any purpose other than the permitted purpose set out above, you must get prior written consent from REACH. Contact support@calibre etc ... If you are at all unclear as to whether your intended use is a permitted use then please contact REACH at support@calibre etc...

The Reach & Frequency Insights and Age & Gender Insights from LANDMARKS ID is provided on a limited basis for the permitted purpose set out above only. Any use outside of the permitted purpose set out above may result in a breach of the terms of licence with Reach Media and Landmarks ID. Accordingly all rights are reserved.